It's almost the end of A-Yokai-A-Day, but I still have a couple of scary stories up my sleeves. Enjoy today's tale: The Farmer in Kumano Whose Wife was Taken by a Henge

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"Hell hath no fury like a woman scored" may be an English phrase, but I think the Japanese do it so much better.
A-Yokai-A-Day: The Maō Who Turned into a Woman to Hinder a Monk’s Passing

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Do spiders make good lovers? You decide on today's A-Yokai-A-Day: How a Tsuchigumo Turned into a Woman in Kaga

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Would you gamble your life to save a strange woman in the forest if she promised you she wasn't a yokai? Read what happened to Genshichi when he did just that!
A-Yokai-A-Day: How Rokutan no Genshichi Saved an Adulterous Woman

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Are you the type of person who hears about a haunted house and stays away? Or goes straight into it to spend the night?
A-Yokai-A-Day: The Bakemono of Onoderamura in Sagami Province

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When the walk of shame does not go the way you expected it to...
A-Yokai-A-Day: The Attachment of a Goze at an Inn in Mitsuke, Tōtōmi Province

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Personally I love onsen, and I love having my back scratched, so today's yōkai is one I can relate to. A-Yokai-A-Day: How Denzaemon from Amagasaki Met a Bakemono at a Hot Spring

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Tonight's story is one I really love. I'm happy to be able to share it for
A-Yokai-A-Day: The Bakemono Called Shunoban at the Suwa Shrine in Aizu

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Today a samurai learns why you should never accept gifts from strangers.
A-Yokai-A-Day: How Killing Turned a Man’s Hair White

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Have you ever considered what you would do if a ghost asked you for a drink of water? That might be something you want to think about.
A-Yokai-A-Day: The Ghost of Honnōji Shichibyōe’s Wife

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Do you know what to do if a bakemono smiles at you? Learn from Kurita Genpachi in today's A-Yokai-A-Day: How Kurita Genpachi Slew a Bakemono

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Not far from my home there is a famous temple called Eiheiji. This is a story that took place there hundreds of years ago. 🐍

A-Yokai-A-Day: The Novice Monk at Eiheiji in Echizen

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What would you do if your partner had an identical twin double? I can almost guarantee you wouldn't what this guy did...
A-Yokai-A-Day: Sugiyama Hyōbu of Dewa Province’s Double Wife Disaster

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Not all ghosts are out to scare you, or rip babies in half, or murder your wife. Occasionally you'll even find a kind ghost. Read on for A-Yokai-A-Day for October 10th: The Monk Who Met a Bōrei in Shimotsuke

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The next time someone says that a baby is so cute they could just eat them up, tell them this story. A-Yokai-A-Day: The Katawaguruma of Higashinotōin, Kyōto

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Today's post deals with a popular and beloved yokai who you should be very familiar with, since I just published a new book about them!
A-Yokai-A-Day: The Kitsune Who Took Revenge on a Yamabushi

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I hear the corpses beneath Ichijo Modoribashi in Kyoto are delicious this time of year!
A-Yokai-A-Day no. 5: How Kiya no Sukegorō’s Mother Ate a Dead Man in Her Dream

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What would you do if a bakemono came to your house?
Find out what Matsuura Iyo did in today's A-Yokai-A-Day:
The Bakemono Who Haunted Matsuura Iyo’s House

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Day 2 of A-Yokai-A-Day: The Zatō Who Met a Bakemono on a Journey
Read the full story here:

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It begins!
A-Yokai-A-Day Day 1: How Itagaki Saburō Was Killed by a Henge in Suruga Province
See below for today's spooky story:
And join me in celebrating Halloween this year by sharing your own yokai art using the tags or

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