Some more pictures of young Baek.
Always inconspicuous, but definitely NOT harmless.

15 44

~Baek Doo San~

Intense, repressed, and about to make quite a few regrettable decisions.

12 52

I decided to just finish this picture of older Baek & Hwoarang, despite it's hiccups! ❤️

11 42

"Master? Y-you don't have to-..."

"Do you know how to take care of a newborn infant, Hwoarang?"

"...Um... no, but-..."

"I've dealt with a few baby brothers & sisters, I've got this."

10 26

Baek Doo San request.
I decided to draw him when he was younger because I plan to draw current Baek more often.

15 32

"We were two broken men, just trying to build new lives with what was left...”
Kazuya Mishima & Baek Doo San (As they were in Tekken 2)

10 24

前から描きたかったので、 描けて嬉しいです♪

13 41

Vous arrivez dans un nouveau lycée, vous ne connaissez personne et la loi du plus fort y règne. Pas de soucis, suivez la méthode préconisée dans Tong:

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【Webマンガ更新】原作 Meen 作画 Baekdoo「頭」(ピッコマ)が更新されました。

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【Webマンガ更新】Baekdoo/Meen「復讐の毒鼓 REWIND」(ピッコマ)が更新されました。

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