Progress on the head went well, now to figure out the rest of the basemesh. You might be able to guess the character I'm modelling just from this lol

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Thanks a lot for that. Really apreciate. And yes I have giver influences. Also I have tributes to him. I use IA for rendering but always it's better if you have a basemesh. I do the general form in 3d then IA

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📜Following Valentine's Scan and Stylization, today was my turn :B

Scanned and stylized my own noggin. This is what I got~
Fair Disclaimer: This is a small-range scanner, so I can only scan small objects or faces/heads. The body I used is from one of my basemeshes. :>

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Working on a Stylized Male Basemesh. It's been sculpted a while ago, but I just polypainted it recently. :B

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On to my next next prop for the Wrapped up the basemesh of the Windeathe dagger. Wanted to get all the major shapes in, going to add the spiny feathers and handle wrap directly in ZBrush during the sculpt.

Concept by Boyko Julia

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Being a DM + Zbrush is a very very fun combo 🤩
Don't know what a creature will look like? Open it, use basemesh, have a doodle! :D
Doesn't have to be too polished either 😅

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