Wow there’s been a run on Critter sales lately! That makes me so happy!!! Good thing more Critter is underway I suppose 😉

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1458 away!!! I need TEN BACKERS to buy the action figure two pack and we fund!!! Simple math!!!

The ten backer challenge!!! Who’s gonna step up and help history be made and get themselves a free Keith Garvey comic to boot???

3 6

Down to just 1319 needed to fund the Critter action figures!!! Even if you dont collect toys, you can get in on the Critter comics or art prints or variant covers!!! 4 days left!!!

2 10

Moving like wildfire!!! Legend of Oz has crossed 26K today!!! We are pacing to be the BIGGEST OZ CAMPAIGN EVER!!

Join the over 400 backers already supporting Big Dog Ink's best selling title of all time!!!

3 6

My cover contribution to the Penny For Your Soul Kickstarter launching tomorrow, January 20th. by me and killer by .n84

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