Reflection 30: You are, I am, and we are
Making connections
Internet strangers
In an unprecedented time.
In other words, hello.

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Reflection 25: It is darkest before an implosion. Chronic Anger pools in your abdomen, inflames your kidneys, liver. Don’t let the rage outlast its day’s battle and purpose—Even for righteous indignation.


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Reflection no. 23: Discard the defeatist thinking and framing, the stories you inherited from your parents’ pain.
Who are you left with?
This is the process of introspection.


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Reflection no. 22: Will yourself to listen,
To your pulse
To the breath entering and exiting your body
To the birds chirping in the wind.
Listen to your partner
To your sibling
To your elder
To your friend.
Be on the yielding end of grace.

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Reflection 20: This is a mechanism.
We create these for defense, and offense, to cope within our environment. Extensions of ego.
In this uncertain reality...are you checking your mechanisms? How do they serve you?

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Reflection 18: The shore and the fork yield epiphany.

🎶The sea doesn't just exists.
Grays everything, crushes everything
Cleans everything, takes everything from me🎶

- e

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Reflection 13: My heart & mind, soul, body, are intrinsically interconnected. All are full. All must be examined closely, with a fine toothed comb.


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Reflection no. 8: the ambler’s territory is ever fluid. But I know where you stop and where I begin.

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