Today’s meditation:
Crying spells are cathartic.
Watercolor, ink on paper, 11” x 15”

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Reflection 25: It is darkest before an implosion. Chronic Anger pools in your abdomen, inflames your kidneys, liver. Don’t let the rage outlast its day’s battle and purpose—Even for righteous indignation.


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Reflection no. 23: Discard the defeatist thinking and framing, the stories you inherited from your parents’ pain.
Who are you left with?
This is the process of introspection.


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Reflection 20: This is a mechanism.
We create these for defense, and offense, to cope within our environment. Extensions of ego.
In this uncertain reality...are you checking your mechanisms? How do they serve you?

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Reflection 18: The shore and the fork yield epiphany.

🎶The sea doesn't just exists.
Grays everything, crushes everything
Cleans everything, takes everything from me🎶

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Reflection 16: Pay attention to what the heart speaks in whispers. Whatever you encounter that resonates and echoes in the chambers of your heart may ring as truth.

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Reflection 13: My heart & mind, soul, body, are intrinsically interconnected. All are full. All must be examined closely, with a fine toothed comb.


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Reflection no. 8: the ambler’s territory is ever fluid. But I know where you stop and where I begin.

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Reflection no. 6: Silence can calm the internal whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. Now is turbulence; next, I can seek and embrace peace.

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