Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: Ryan Gosling.
Or at least AI rendition of my most favorite actor.
Let me know if anyone is interested in a new challenge. ;)

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Excited to reveal the artwork I painted for Replicant 69's upcoming album " Wake Me Up".
I've listened to the album 40+ times and there's really SOLID melodic songs Nov 25h and album releases DEC 18th

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"You look like a good Joe."
What's Up? It's November or for me, the month of mood.
What better way to kick it off than with a new Piece!
My full hd piece here

Drawn on

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Dale pelen al Oficial K.
Dibujo de Shane cosplayándolo, y demostrando el estado mental de quienes nos identificamos con él.

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I made Pris portrait from Blade Runner with MX Master 3 Mouse.

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‘#BladeRunner’ star Sean Young reflects on aging in Hollywood, moving to ‘I’m at peace’ 🎥🎬➡️ | via

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“…All those moments, will be lost in time like tears in rain.” — Roy Batty, Blade Runner (Rutger Hauer)

in class demo.

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"You look lonely, I can fix that."


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