FINALLY got the indexation station working so now the submeshes even have AABBs. :'3c

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I was curious: would you be able to add a feature to isolate the mesh decimation to a single submesh? The trial almost works perfectly for my avatar but I have several layered eye meshes for certain emotes (not an ideal method for emotes, but it's what I'm working with atm).

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In the end I didn’t fully implement Blendshapes. Mundo wanted to show the difference between two states, but the actual transform wasn’t super important to gameplay nor would it be gradual. We already had the existing tech to swap submeshes using gear (which we used).

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I figured out enough bmesh to make a script to generate a vertex group that has random weights per mesh island. Using it to control the Displace modifier that spreads out the hair strands to avoid them being too uniform.

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Checkout the awesome improvements to Decimate on flat surfaces by Campbell!

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