The end of an era. After 54 years, it's time we say goodbye to The Queen.

This is my artwork dedicated to N863GT, the last 747 ever built.

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親父は社長(のお供)として就航直後のJAL BOEING747"ジャンボ"のこのラウンジに上がったのを生涯自慢にしていましたが、お供でなくPANAM BOEING377"ストラトクルーザー"のラウンジで優雅に旅した祖父からよくやり込められていました。(その時の機内案内パンフと絵はがき)

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I found this while scavenging around my old account which I will not name.

The Boing 747 was and still is in my opinion the best plane to ever exist.

I made this drawing when the 747 was getting retired and the passanger version is pretty much retired now. Sad ;-;

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