First words that come to mind for the letter W: whale, walrus, wolf, world, wren. Watercolour and ink
De engelske ordene som kommer til meg for bokstaven W: hval, hvalross, ulv, verden, gjerdesmett. Akvarell og blekk

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Bildcred: Bokstavligt målat på Facebook / Instagram

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Ilustration for the book “Det er ord bak bokstavene" made back in 2017. In this illustration it’s focus on where one can receive information and help about your dyslexia. They can help inform or where to get more info about your diagnosis for you as well as family and schools.

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Eat Move Sleep
for back in 2016✨
The character is doing yoga, which I personally have found quite helpful to calm my mind as well as taking care of my own body ✨ Today I frequently practice and 🧘‍♂️

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Ask questions

More info:

by & , It is a guide worth reading for everyone especially those with and their families.
You can find and buy this book at InfolitenBOK or In Swedish and Norwegian

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This image was made for the book written by & It is a guide worth reading for everyone especially those with dyslexia and there families. Buy the book at:

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Endeleg er det her - i forbetra utgåve! Alle kjenner seg att i problemet: Du sit der med ein tekst, men veit ikkje kva språk han er skriven på. Dette enkle flytskjemaet er løysinga! Kva bokstavar finst i teksten? No med alle alfabet! (Men framleis berre for europeiske språk.)

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As a child, I did for 6-8 hours after there was not much me time left in the day.
This is from the "#DetErOrdBakBokstavene" &
it was also a part of the 2018

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Bokstavligen bo i din säng. Bostadskrisen, möt twitter.

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