There were no thanks in her house, no special foods prepared to celebrate her becoming an adult, nothing to mark the day as unique.

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Her parents hadn’t said “Happy Birthday” until it was time to go to bed. Even then, the acknowledgement had sounded more like “goodnight.”

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Odin, King of the Norse Gods, shook his head in shame. He was responsible for this travesty and had no way to make reparations.

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Grace Winston had celebrated her eighteenth birthday a mere three weeks ago, the same day as Thanksgiving.

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There were no thanks in her house, no special foods prepared to celebrate her becoming an adult, nothing to mark the day as unique.

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There were no thanks in her house, no special foods prepared to celebrate her becoming an adult, nothing to mark the day as unique.

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Matt paces back and forth in the place where he exists. He has lost his certainty that DJ and Elisa can save Dad.

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The fang and fur brigade wants a realm of their own, even if it’s already occupied.

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