There were no thanks in her house, no special foods prepared to celebrate her becoming an adult, nothing to mark the day as unique.

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Odin, King of the Norse Gods, shook his head in shame. He was responsible for this travesty and had no way to make reparations.

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Monday Musing.

'To turn action into thought and thought into abstraction.'
- Chuang Tzu (369-286BC)

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I want a simple life...
Wake up late, enjoy a hot beverage, read some old books..

Own a spaceship and dragon cat..

you know, simple...

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Monday Musing:

“A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear.”

John ‘Santa’ Lennon

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Mondays are fundays We dedicate this day to designers with client stories Share yours

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What do you do with silly clients who expect too much from you?

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