First time on a bike since before I fell into the narrow place, i. e before my injury over three years ago. I think I might be flying… 🚴‍♀️🚴‍♀️🚀🚀

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According to recent epigenetic research, your grandparent's memories are realities of your current emotional complexities 🧠📖💓love them dearly

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The European Brain Foundation's mission is to enable opportunities for research aimed at reducing the burden of brain disorders and contribute to boosting

Support the cause and join the Fundraising Gala Dinner on 16 March 2023 in Brussels👉

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A 2013 review of studies found that aerobic exercise, like jogging, could potentially improve executive functioning and protect the from decline related to aging and stress. 🏃 🧠

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Because the brain is the “engine” of the body, the foods that boost the brain also keep the rest of the body in good working order.

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6 Pillars of Brain Health
What you eat and drink, how much you exercise, how well you sleep, the way you socialize, and how you manage stress are all critically important to your brain health.

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A study found that people who practice have more volume in key areas of the brain that process memories, including portions of the hippocampus. Plus, yoga is an excellent reliever and chronic stress has a negative impact on

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Feeling a little foggy? Pixelated, even? Stop in to Em Nishizuka's MAD HOSPITAL & the cutie nurses will get your brain fixed up right away! Signed copies:

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Neurologists say some people w/#COVID develop tiny that may initially go unnoticed. Yet these patients may experience cognitive issues such as difficulty thinking of a particular word. It's also not clear what impact these small strokes have on later.

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"Fascinating from first page to last. The depth of information is astounding. There is an awful lot packed into these 220+ pages...most impressive" Our newest How Things Work title impresses Review

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Knitting Is Good For Your Brain ... Get the T-Shirt: 👉 🧠 - available in ten colors!

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Illustrations by Lili des Bellons for Life and Letters Magazine's cover story: "Breakthroughs in Brain Health"

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