[ Brumation ]
👿😇 (page1-4/16)

**broken English translation**

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Pues he dibujado un meme de Nacidos de la Bruma. Espero que le resulte útil a alguien. owo

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It be April 1st everyone. You know that this means :)

It's Pastel's Birthday! (In EoP time/dates, it be on the 66th of the Brumal Season)
Our lil artist of Team Paragon, character provided by a good irl friend of me n Trodx.

Trust me when I say that there's more to show soon ;)

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Dash is based on the Celericaecilia rubrumacula, a very tiny, yet aggressive red spider capable of running quite quickly. Dash is just a little guy :) In his design, I made sure to reference the many defining features of his real life counterpart, such as

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🌫 A 2ª missão extra "Brumas de Vento Baixo" acaba de sair e está disponível GRATUITAMENTE para todos que adquiriram o livro!

🚗 "Um veículo quebrado no meio da madrugada desvia a rota dos agentes. Vocês voltam para base ou mergulham em mais um mistério?"

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Saiu a nova missão extra de pela !

Em BRUMAS DE VENTO BAIXO um veículo quebrado em uma rodovia é responsável por desviar a rota de alguns agentes, apresentando um novo mistério! 🔍

Quem topa jogar??

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BRUMAS DE VENTO BAIXO, a segunda missão extra de está disponível!

Um veículo quebrado no meio da madrugada acaba por desviar a rota dos agentes, que voltavam de uma missão. Por ironia do destino, isso os leva a outro mistério!



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🌸MORNING LibrumArt🌸

All of my illustrations are available PHYSICALLY!
They were crafted by acrylics on paperboards! All these are available for the price of 0.3 $ETH (for each)! The postage fee depends on the desired country and is the responsibility of the collector.

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Estoy abrumada por la cantidad de nuevos followers ¡Gracias! 😄♥️
Aquí mi amiga, la semiorca más carismática, os da la bienvenida.

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Fanart Terminado✨
Así me imagino a y a de ^^
Agradecería mucho un RT. 👀

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Here an another commission I did for with his OC's Bruma and Levi! The bedroom is the one I've designed for Bruma the last time 💗💗 hope you like it!

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Bruma gained more power than the Sayers. She tries to show a little bit of her power to the people of the Earth before she takes control of the universe.

If you want a commission, send me a message.
Full Color $70

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Ayer fue Viernes de Recomendación y traemos "The Nice House on the Lake", la fastuosa obra con al guión, el arte hipnótico de y el abrumador color de Jordie Bellaire. Un tebeazo en el que pasar lo que queda de invierno 💛🏡

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Hey hey! Pasaron cosas y ahora hago otras cosas para no abrumarme con esas cosas

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👦Daisuke Kanegami
📚Tenshi Dattara, Yokatta de de Yuri Nakagawa ()
🎙️[...] Una montaña rusa de amor, amistad, traición, venganza y salvación, que experimenta con sus personajes al ser ficción. Una historia que ha recibido un apoyo abrumador del público."

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