Hi All. Thanks so much! Our booklist is:
Roses of Great Britain and Ireland, Graham, G and Primavesi, A. BSBI Handbook No. 7
The Heritage of the Rose, Austin, D
The Peter Beales Classic Roses, Beales, P.
Roses, Philips, R. & Rix, M.
New Flora of the British Isles, Stace

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Wild flowers in the park, and elsewhere: please do not pick plants in the park.........BSBI Code of Conduct........https://t.co/BiBv3y6pxe (Images: BHL)

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April's is the Snake's-head Fritillary. This account by Kevin Walker, BSBI Head of Science tells you where it grows, whether or not it's a UK native & which famous artist painted it while under lockdown during WW1! https://t.co/ISWEnrGMJW

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(#AdoxaMoschatellina) aka Unique 5 faced flowers & lime green colouring make it seem from a different world. Keep your eyes peeled, it loves the dark, damp places 👽

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