Мне понравился этот арт, он такой милый 😍

11 71

Aí olha eu to orgulhosa sim por que foi o primeiro que deu certo
Apresento-lhes Hyosun, personagem principal do meu livro :)

3 12

still not over suga's interlude!!!!!!!!!!!

15 54

Just let me love you
Just let me love you
우주가 처음 생겨났을 때부터
모든 건 정해진 거였어
Just let me love you...🦋

GK 📸

25 229

.이 모든 건 우연이 아냐
그냥 그냥 나의 느낌으로
온 세상이 어제완 달라
그냥 그냥 너의 기쁨으로
Let me love
Let me love you...🦋

GK 📸

42 367

WARMING UP for drawing & ALSO SAD for Tae & JM, so I sketched this outta nowhere!!

& please ! 🤍💜🤍

&& if u want access to arts &/or wanna support me, pls goto https://t.co/CaNlSa8i85 💕🦃

86 324

This is the face of someone who knows exactly what he's doing: making the army crazy

51 66

thank you for joining my livestream 💜

link to watch: https://t.co/Scq2ioOu5k


10 12

I just confused what caption i should adding here~

28 15