14. Rusted/Oxidado

Got to continue the knightober thing, because it’s just too fun😭
And I might start combining certain prompts


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11. Renaissance\Renacimiento

Uh didn’t know what to do with this prompts so I just thought of rebirth or renaissance painting with baby angels :3


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9. Combat

You know…without the swords they kinda look like lovers😳😳😳


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7. Sweihänder/Big Sword

Alabur practicing huge sword fighting cuz he sucks at it💀💀💀


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5. Victory

It’s time to start posting most the prompts I finished


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Day 28: and a more villainous one inspired by Strahd and 1992’s Dracula

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Dia bom. Saia por aí, porquê amanhã, ninguém sabe!

Good day. Go on a stroll, because God knows what's happening tomorrow!

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Como Gil e Fairo se conheceram. Resumidamente. Eles brigam às vezes, mas não conseguem ficar longe um do outro!

How Gil and Fairo meet each other. In a nutshell. They brwal sometimes, but can't stay apart too long!

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Day 26: I did a few attempts at werewolf inspired knights before I gave up and just did fan art of Blaidd

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Day 25: I felt inspired by the way Leshen look in Witcher and cooked this up

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Day 24: I’m a few days behind but I have a few that I finished out of order that I’ll be able to post soon

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Day 23: Radiant Moonlight figured I’d try my hand at an interpretation of the soulsborne moonlight greatsword

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[oc] Knightober Day 5: Aftermath

"In the end, there stood one man, with shining silver hair and the power of the winds at his fingertips, alongside his Drakin companion. They stood tall, proud and unwavering."

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Day 21: This was a fun one to ideate. I like the idea that this guy works for my BBEG drawing I did a while back, so this dude also gets a frosty theme

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Day 19- night🌕

I really love this drawing! Always when i draw Steven Grant the results looks really good!💖✨💖✨
Enjoy the drawing!! <3

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Day 18: I started thinking about a dragon knight I used to draw in middle school. I have no idea where that old sketchbook is so I tried to emulate it based on memory. I remember he was very edgy though.

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Day 17: a simple one but one that I had planned ahead. Love me a tender forehead touch, even in full armor

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Day 15: I saw Serpent and immediately thought World Serpent, so we gave this knight a sort of pseudo Norse vibe with a Jormangundr helmet.

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