But I think I drawing her with heart too.

Why people don’t like FubuSan in my style….

Maybe I need to improving her Ikemen? Or more Sweet Girlier?
I will try another time

170 1618

Mira, qué horrible esto!
Quería comentarlo antes, pero olvidé hacer captura y ya después no recordaba el capítulo, pero ahora que están retomando el tema, QUÉ TURBIOOOO!
Adultos abusando de niños me parece de las cosas más detestables que hay!!!

0 2

*hq warning spoiler chara

gusy prodi yang cocok untuk teh miwa ini apa ya selain tata busana...

4 185

MEZZO" in Busan

489 2692


Sender sedang cari 3-4 responden untuk wawancara singkat (mungkin sekitar 15-30 menit) tentang busana dan design dari Wanderer!!

Kriteria nya:
1. Perempuan
2. Umur 20-25 tahun
3. Bermain genshin impact
4. Domisili Jabodetabek
5. Menyukai/ main (cont..)

2 3

On the day Busan falls

525 3953

I already miss streaming! I’ll be sure to stream when I get back. And we can talk about my adventures in Busan and my hunt for a gwapo Korea zombie.

0 55

Coba minum air rebusan kumis kucing maa..

0 1

Prediksi Cuaca Ueza-chan

Sab, 18-3-2022
Dari Kembangan, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Prediksi hari ini akan terus berawan dengan banyak hembusan angin.
Jangan lupa istirahat yang cukup untuk jaga tubuh tetap prima

2 3



3/22 - 3/25
アートフェア "Art Central " (香港)

アートフェア"Art Busan"(韓国)





0 9

Hello everyone. Did we all miss our drawing miss ?

New artwork today 🧑‍🎨🖼️

"Last Train 🚝 to Nowhere"

Inspired by and homage to "Last train to Busan" only this time no zombies 🧟‍♀️🧟‍♀️🧟‍♀️

1 0

ditunggu tebusannya, Om

2 7

Busan Opera House Competition Proposal by OODA | 2011. The design for the Busan Opera House by OODA engages itself with the natural topography, articulating a multi leveled building and seamlessly integrating the different cultural activities and programs.

34 200

221015 Yet to Come in Busan

165 901

In two weeks time, I’ll be leaving…


I’ll be fighting hoardes of Busan zombies and hopefully I survive.

I’ll be leaving on March 22 so I won’t be able to stream for about a week! I might do Twitter spaces though!

5 153

「YU-GI-OH! FESTIVAL -BUSAN 2023-」 이벤트 회장 판매 상품

수록 카드
「마음의 변화」

✅이벤트 페이지

31 33

Yet to Come in BUSAN SUGA
ハガキサイズ 絵墨+水彩色鉛筆ver.

5 21