
RachelleMiller scored $650 000 from the public purse

Unsurprisingly majority of chose to not mention the reasons for

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May those voters marking their ballots …

Mary is the antithesis of the Liberal candidate

in its coverage of the by-election the majority of chose to avoid mention of the reasons for the by-election

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« journalists » who’ve been helping by avoiding mention of the reasons for & the fact she’s married to James, political editor of the infamous HeraldSun you’ve 4 hours to redeem yourselves.

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Had been a Labor scandal, & been a Labor Lad the grotesquerie that is the majority of would have, from the rooftops, been shouting the reasons for

$650 000 from public purse for Rachelle


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Andy Davey: That Great Escape to hasn't really gone as planned; neither has 2022 now you mention it... political cartoon gallery in London

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That Great Escape to hasn't really gone as planned; neither has 2022 now you mention it... [Telegraph Sat 25/6/2022].

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Mick Dodgson, standing for the Freedom Alliance and Paul Bickerdike of the Christian People’s Alliance in tomorrow's Wakefield by-election.

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Another 2 candidates . . . if UKIP's Jordan Gaskell gets elected on Thursday he’ll be the first Gaskell to represent Wakefield since Daniel Gaskell, our radical MP from 1832 to 1837.

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No, I’m afraid that Akef, Ashley and Chris aren’t the hosts of the latest hit podcast, although perhaps they should give it a try as there’d definitely be some lively banter.

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Jamie Needle, our Liberal Democrat candidate in the Today we had another seven candidates’ leaflets drop through our letterbox, so we can’t complain that we’re not being given a choice.

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I've made our candidate, David Herdson, in the Wakefield by-election, look a bit like me, however Barbara thinks he does look a bit like me anyway (except a lot younger). Sorry about that David!

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Good luck for tomorrow . You thoroughly deserve a seat in Parliament, after the shabby treatment you received in the 90s,and so do the people of

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For those upset about the it was always going to be a longshot, it's very safe. However a majority of 18,000 being slashed to 4,000 is a good effort. At least Lab and LD trying to co-operate. Might indicate to Tories troubling swings. Still vote!

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आज का कार्टून: उपचुनाव में कांग्रेस तो बाजार में महंगाई ने दी शिकस्त, हारे हुए नेता और जनता दोनों पस्त

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Morten Morland on Labour’s win in political cartoon gallery in London

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Martin Rowson on Labour’s win in Batley and Spen political cartoon gallery in London

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