Hello 👋🏼

After we sold the special Baby Bull we sent the money that we get to this association to help people who have cancer 🎗️🙏🏼

There is the proofs that we did it ⬇️

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Probando la beta de en directo vengan a ver, es gratis.
apóyenos en la pelea contra el cáncer de mi hermano.
rifa si llegamos a llegamos a la meta de subs!
agradece saludar y los retweets!

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As a cancer fighter myself, and a women empowerment supporter I had to get this beauty from . 70% sold out. Grab yours now!

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«Courage doesn’t always roar, sometimes it’s the quiet voice at the end of the day whispering ‘I will try again tomorrow’».

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Terima kasih yang tak terhingga atas semua doa yang dikirimkan kepada Artortoise. Mohon maaf jika ada mesej atau panggilan kalian yang tidak dapat dijawab sepanjang rawatan buat masa ini.

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Sharing what I love about a good TV binge and how I can relate to people differently since being diagnosed with 🙏❤️

Omar Little, Cancer & The Game

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