Look out, world – Lizard Man is here to protect people from bad guys. And his loyal sidekick Pudgy can shoot out handcuffs to capture bad guys too! Created by B. (age 7) & designed by Mike Thomas.

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CancerWarriors will be giving away 250 for free during our public mint ! All you have to do is enter our discord https://t.co/qC3iQt2b3p Drop Your wallet Address & Pay the gas.
Then turn on our notfications on
Mint Price is 0.05 ETH

33 59

We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey. You beat cancer by how you live, why you live and in the manner in which you live Join the Fight !

42 73

I keep tweeting you & hoping you'll notice. Could you PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE tell my daughter, Savannah, hi? She's a massive fan and I swear it wouldn't just make her day; it would make her year!

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🇬🇧 When You Fight Battles No One Knows About.
🇪🇸 Cuando peleas batallas de las que nadie se entera.
🇮🇹 Quando combatti battaglie che nessuno conosce.

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