Monday Musing.

'To turn action into thought and thought into abstraction.'
- Chuang Tzu (369-286BC)

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William Barak. 1824-1903. Known as Beruk in the Woiwurrang language of his people, Barak was Ngurungaeta (clan leader), educator, diplomat, campaigner, artist, ambassador. A true gentleman, a fine beard. All hail the hirsute.

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I am delighted to announce that , Tattoo Artist, Family Man, World Traveller and disciple of the Beautiful Game is hereby appointed a Captain Fawcett Ambassador Extraordinaire. All hail the hirsute.

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Weird and Wonderful Wednesday.

“Being male is a matter of birth. Being a man is a matter of age. But being a gentleman is a matter of choice.”

- Srinivas Shenoy

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“I didn’t like the idea of being foolish, but I learned pretty soon that it was essential to fail and be foolish.” - Daniel Day-Lewis 🌱

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I’m actually scared to go onto website! Because I know I’ll want it all..the first product I ever purchased was the lavender shaving soap, it was a gateway product! Twins gotta have a dapper dad. It’s all amazing!!

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“I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.” - from A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens ...

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Goodness me is it really the Friday before Christmas? I insist the celebrations should begin immediately. Good morning. Fawcett.

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