Continuing to compile my drawings. Il admit the Skull Island ones were tough! I’m gonna have to revisit these.

2 11

I couldn't help it. Had this idea for a pixel horror game since Carnictis would be perfect for it. This was more fun than the last one for sure, hope it looks decent!

10 17

Monster March 2023
Day 10: Carnictis
Style: Pizza Tower

Prompt list by

Looks to me like there’s a bit of an infestation. But who needs an exterminator? You can handle them just fine!

8 33

Carnictis for

Definitely one of the most memorable creatures from Jackson’s King Kong

Just a gross, horrifying sphincter with teeth

9 35

Monster March Day 10 = Hollow Earth Carnictis

3 13

Kaijune Day 7: Leech
Prompt list by
Got some inspiration from carnictis for this one. Other than that, it just a really humongus leech :D.

8 49