I'm... usually not the type to care for such things, but a friend insists...
I'm an effeminate elven knight who is sometimes cursed to be a catboy; I am told I am extremely kind, and adorable, and easily bullied which I am lead to believe are attractive traits.

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I want to replay ShB story again just for best catboy;;;

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New characters time!

In order: Clarence Pekkanen, a bastard catboy; Saima Pekkanen, his equally fucked-up mom; and Nierte kar Vassan, the husband of Mothman.

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My third
His name is Prosper.
He is a magic knight of a Lost Faith; his specialty is barriers.
Has a lot of feelings about geometry.
There is more to discuss about him here than I can fit into 280 characters.

Hit: Good listeners
Miss: Haircuts.

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I do the saaaaaame with my catboy; my screencap folder is full of Hanzy, but these two are my all time favorites right now :D

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