The tenth and maybe my last art post of the year~

This is Apricot. She loves to learn.
Apricot is a courier, though not in the conventional sense.
Nobody is totally sure who she works for.

Hit: Body language.
Miss: Romantic comedies.

4 13


This is Erin's elder sister, Ellen Lansey.
She is wary and meticulous and made of sharp edges.
Ellen is a Colonel in the Interior Management Bureau. They do not have a dresscode.

Hit: Bloodless Victories.
Miss: Explanations, Flattery.

14 45

More for you~

This is Brian Sonnentyne. His circumstances are a bit complicated but to make a long story short: this is not his first body.
He considers himself a

Hit: Edge cases.
Miss: Shitty documentation.

96x160px. at 3xzoom. 8+1 colours.

7 29

I have finished the collab so I am going to get back on my routine~

This one's name is Nail.
She is a surgeon specializing in nanotherapies, but for various reasons, is mostly about diagnostics now.

Hit: Indoor Voices
Miss: True Crime Stories

14 54

The fifth and (presently) final
I worked out her palette, and subsequently detail structure, differently.
Her name is Nish Cyra.
She is a summoner and a princess-consort.
Good work, if you can get it.

Hit: Hand sanitizer
Miss: Metal detectors.

6 18

Another for you today~
Her name is Prosaic.
This one is a kaleidoscope mage. Some people never bother choosing a discipline.
My usual frame did not quite work so I had to fiddle it a little.
Two aura colours?!

Hit: Elbow room
Miss: Short Jokes.

4 13

My third
His name is Prosper.
He is a magic knight of a Lost Faith; his specialty is barriers.
Has a lot of feelings about geometry.
There is more to discuss about him here than I can fit into 280 characters.

Hit: Good listeners
Miss: Haircuts.

1 11

My second
The design style is a bit different from the first.
This one's name is Salt.
She is a gunship pilot.
They have rules about long hair but it turns out that they only apply to the hair in the back.

Hit: Crunch.
Miss: Frills.

4 13