Man, this post is really popping off. Um… hi, I’m an artist on here who draws traditionally and (sometimes) digitally. I also have a Redbubble; CCoffeeCake. I have some stuff on there if anyone’s interested.

Ok, that’s all :)

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CCCCOFFEEEEE time ☕️☕️☕️🖤🧪

5 29

Got Ape?

Grab A Ape And Climb Aboard Our Yacht🛥️ To The 🔥

Meet Our AMAZING Community While Guzzling McCoffee☕️ and McBeer🍺 In Our Discord!😲🤤


23 59

가 만들어가는
커피의 여행에 초대 해 주셔서 감사합니다

더빙 선장님의 활약 기대할게요~^^

0 8

Thanks for the art share!! My name is GalacticCoffee, and my favorite part is the end result. When everything comes together and amazing at the end.

1 2

If anyone knows about how critical iced coffee is, it's these three.

It's a bit more artistic than you usually see for the Controllers Three, but I liked the image

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I love drawing Taranza so much.

Something about drawing him makes me so happy.. 😭

10 71

Hey y’all! I know I haven’t been posting much- I’ve been quite busy with my projects. Thanks for being patient with me, though! 🥹
Here’s a few Kirbys I drew in the meantime. Love the little guy 👏😭

36 190

Rei and Kirby are now lined and colored yesss 👏

//now back to work lmaoo

27 105

Was inspired by @/cosmiccoffee's nimbus art, I made one for Duncan's design
Dreamy Gear Duncan!

23 97

Decided to do a little comic that kinda shows why his name is Nimbus. :)

35 164

Here’s that Meta & Daroach drawing I mentioned in my earlier post. :) I spruced it up alittle lmao

It’s my first time drawing da rat in this doodle so my bad 🙏😭

37 213

Anyone asked for a baby Nimbus? No?? Okay, here you go. 👍

//As I work on this dude’s backstory, I’ve wanted to see how he’d look when he was younger. It was a nice exercise!

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When Meta Knight hears of something remotely related to fighting. (Especially in the novels…)

201 856

Someone gave Nimbus a kiss on Tumblr.. 😳

He appreciates the gesture, but he’s an absolute flustered mess when it comes to psychical contact of that nature. :( Once he comes to, he’ll be sure to thank the person. 👏

10 65

If you know what they’re dancing to.. you know what my next project is.. 👀👀

2 22

I got an ask on Tumblr asking if Nimbus could be petted.

Nimbus doesn’t exactly enjoy his hair getting rustled(especially after all that brushing..), but he’s willing to forgive you if it means he gets good headpats! 👏

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What if I made that Morpho Knight x Rei fusion…cooler..? Definitely wanted her to look more robotic, and I think I did good! 👏👏

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Meta Knight working at a Starbucks was one of the first things I drew when I got back. Why? No idea. 🤷‍♀️

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