Rounding off the first week of is the Cretaceous buffalo Einiosaurus. With its’ can-opener nasal horn, this beaut —for me at least— the best centrosaurine out there

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Althought rhinos and elephants took big terrain in Ostalia, Centrosaurines standed strong. Such an example is the Quillofallo (Acrodontoceratops Pogonae). With herds of at least 100 members, they travel along the plains and rainforests to eat fruits and seagrasses

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Wow, very colorful! I personally don't think centrosaurine ceratopsian dinosaurs got this brightly colored. Who knows though like modern birds, they may have been brightly colored to attract mates. First image is a fantastic illustration by the very talented artist Raph Herrera

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Centrosaurine ripeness chart (spring 2021)

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A 6 meter long ceratopsian known for multiple but fragmentary specimens, its closely related to sinoceratops

ALT: Its horn shows a transition between the low almost more ridge like nasal horns and the more derived spike like horns of later centrosaurines

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Another new ornithischian out today: early-diverging centrosaurine Menefeeceratops sealeyi Dalman et al., 2021 from the Campanian Menefee Formation of New Mexico.

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Very good illustration by Sergey Krasovskiy of the newly named Menefeeceratops sealeyi (Named after the location where the fossils were found 'Menefee horned face'.) This new centrosaurine was originally described in 1997, however, was not named until very recently by

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Welcome to Menefeeceratops sealeyi!!! Our paper describing the new centrosaurine ceratopsid dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous of New Mexico is now online!


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Day 24: of the day is Albertaceratops, meaning 'Alberta horned face'. Albertaceratops was centrosaurine horned dinosaur found in Oldman Formation of Alberta, Canada. Image credit: Nobu Tamura

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For the final day of these posters is how my way of presenting evolutionary trees started. It is something I really enjoy doing. In here you can see Centrosaurine Ceratopsids, Ornithomimosaurs and Alvarezsaurs, Dromaeosaurs and Wessex Fm

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