Combattiamo contro tre giganti mio caro Sancho. L'ingiustizia, la paura e l'ignoranza. Miguel de Cervantes.

38 157

Cervantes and Catalina commission from Anonymous! Since they do not have a account here. I am so happy they commissioned my characters. ❤️

38 221

«Oh, invidia, radice di mali infiniti e tarlo delle virtù!»

(Miguel de Cervantes - Don Chisciotte della Mancia)
David da Costa

51 99

“Oh,invidia,radici di mali infiniti e tarlo delle virtù”
Miguel de Cervantes
Don Chisciotte della Mancia

15 20

«Oh, invidia, radice di mali infiniti e tarlo delle virtù!»

(Miguel de Cervantes - Don Chisciotte della Mancia)

7 22

Today's drawing practice. OC Carmen de Cervantes! My dear Rose's mother.

1 9

Sands Of Time
Written by Jonaxx

20 64

Season 2 Western Fellas
Franky Cervantes, Amadeus Peterson, Timeo, Scarecrow

0 2

Cervantes and Catalina height difference.

41 213

Cervantes is very conceited swordsman when it comes to his well known skills. Although he has a very eccentric behavior, he's very charming and quite the narcissist. He's incredibly smug, and a ladies man with a sense of class that isn't afraid to brag about his wealth and fame🧵

4 35

Don Quixote
"To surrender dreams - this may be madness..."
Miguel De Cervantes


289 144

'A proverb is a short sentence based on long experience.'

Miguel de Cervantes
Spanish Author of Don Quixote
1547 - 1616

0 4

… Cervantes Dante Milton Rabelais & Balzac Doré illustrated oversized edition of The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe Later illustrated new edition of Coleridge’s Rime of the Ancient Mariner Tennyson’s Idyllis of the King The Divine Comedy & contributed to The Illustrated London Weekly

0 0

'Quijotizaciones' de políticos en el de 🇪🇸2022
García Morán , Javier Cuervo / Pablo García y Peridis

➕ viñetas cervantinas del año pasado

1 2

El de más quijotesco de 2022 ha sido, s.e. u o., el del a cargo de Ángel +

➕ viñetas cervantinas del año pasado

1 2