If we keep exploiting wildlife and destroying ecosystems, the long-term impacts of the on health (zoonotic diseases) and the economy will play out year after year.

➡️ https://t.co/txgW3bYCpF

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Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival -- a traditional harvest festival celebrated by many East Asian countries including China. The tradition of this day is to gather together, share mooncakes, and view the Moon, as (not in service) and also do!

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Le saviez-vous ? Les Chinois ont envoyé un vaisseau spatial sur la face cachée de la ! Mais pas que… ils ont aussi planté une graine de coton qui a poussé, puis gelé… Pour en savoir + >> https://t.co/iktmj135ba

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More debris from the Long March 3B rocket that launched Chang'e-4. Source: https://t.co/CZs5FilakC

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