Q_Q I tried a fighting scene Q_Q hope it looks good

8 26

Drew a MILF magical girl for a art server thingy. Im so cool.

1 6

Finally finished the sticker sailor moon designs, I do like them. But I hope people like them enough to buy them at the mini con I wanna vend at. What other animes should I do? 🤔#stickers

1 4

Working on sticker designs to take at the con? Do y’all think these would sell? What other anime fandoms should I do?

2 8

I'm still so slow at finishing things but the lovely Magical Girl from the

5 24

one last late drawing for !!! goodnight everyone!

4 25

it took longer than i was expecting but first drawing of the night!! i love your character so much!

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First victim! thanks for let me draw your wol :D

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Last one for today! There were so many beautiful outfits I might continue some tomorrow because I didn't have time to draw them all aaa 😭🧡

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I attended my first ever FFXIV art party and tried my hand at sketching some of the guests! It was new and scary and I'm very shy putting these up but... hewwo TwT;;
I must thank my unwitting subjects somehow.

8 16

Someone who disapears too quick xD But she was really pretty ♥

7 24

the amount of times my graphic tablet has fallen over while trying to draw this... i think it wants me to just stay shit posting but come oooonnnnnn i dont see sugar sugar rune stuff tha often i gotta draw them nice 😭😭

4 16

I'm back in art party! 😊🧡 Dunno how many I'll be able to draw but here is the first one!

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