Mon miroir est mon meilleur ami, car lorsque je pleure, il ne rit jamais.

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Kazem Chaplin has been listed on

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Kazem Chaplin is a cosplay inspired by the character of Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin Jr known as .

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Couldn't decide what to draw, so I let Google choose w/"I'm feeling lucky." Happy I did that bc I wouldn't have drawn otherwise. It was fun to play with a limited color palette.

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"We think to much and feel too little."

by Medusa_149

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Whereas vision was essentially theatrical, was specific to the screen, Adam Gopnik writes—he moved like the moving pictures.

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''We think too much and feel too little'' - Charlie Bastardo

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Spanish, French, Italian, and American posters for Charlie Chaplin's comic masterpiece MODERN TIMES, released 1936.

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“Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself” - Charlie Chaplin

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