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auroras are dead children playing with a ball. found out Chukchi, or Ԓыгъоравэтԓьэт, also believe in it.
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#TLOK #TheLegendofKorra #Noatak #Tarrlok #AU #watercolour
Little update:
- The Kara-Laptev area & the Chukchi-Bering area stay relatively warm.
- Antarctica is facing its first anomalous spring-warmth.
- La Niña keeps getting weaker.
- Arctic sea ice in November: thinnest since 1979.
- Antarctic sea ice in November: thinnest since 1979.
•|☆StateHumans - Russia
•|☆Vladimir Oblast
•|☆Chukchi Autonomous Okrug
Tags: #statehumans #countryhumans #countryhumansrussia #кантрихуман #кантрихумансроссия #кантрихуманс #countryhuman
2m temperature deviation from the average 1979-2000 for the next five days according to the #GFS model (from #Climatereanalyzer). Large parts of the inner Arctic are more than 10°C, #Chukchi and #Beaufort Seas mostly ice free and even 20°C warmer than they should at this time.
A lot of heat has been trapped in the Arctic region.
The entire Arctic is affected:
Greenland & Canadian Archipelago
Arctic basin & East Siberian Shelf
Hudson Bay & Baffin Bay
Greenland Sea & Barents Sea
Iceland & Svalbard
Bering Sea & Chukchi Sea
North Pacific & North Atlantic