//=time() ?>
サークル「残像ランダゼイション」withぶろーに120 @urajirogashi として申し込みました。
And you’ll see why 1984 won’t be like “1984”.
@tos20191 1996年、Macintosh LC475/33Mhz/Memory36MBで描いた同人誌の原稿です。十四さんとは別の方向で90年代絵ですわww僕は割と芯がないというミーハーというか、いつもブレブレで、この頃は格ゲー界隈にフォーカスしてました。
7月4日は「な(7)お(0)し(4)」で #パソコンお直しの日 やそうです。
思えば…最初の #Mac Ⅱciと出逢ってから30年ちょい、故障や不具合の「お直し」に明け暮れる日々であった…(※絵はSEやけど)
ほんま高いポンコツPCやよ #Apple Macintoshは。
#1日一点とにかく描く #今日は何の日
@ykarps God, I wish Ito could have released that Japanese Macintosh game he was designing in the 90s. It looked like it would have been badass.
Some more Apex Magazine covers (Adrian Borda, Thomas Tan, J. R. Slattum and Andrew McIntosh):
@QuetzacoatlKing Well I do have a couple of them! One of them is My OC, Courtney McIntosh The Blind Princess!
Springtime in Eskdale by James McIntosh Patrick (4 February 1907 – 7 April 1998 / Scottish)
@banksy018 @PrincessVertera Here's a suggestion, My OC, Courtney McIntosh The Blind Princess!
@Leuphaeria @PrincessVertera Okay. Here's My OC, Courtney McIntosh The Blind Princess!
@FS3K_Art @PrincessVertera #DrawMeFS3KArt
This Is My OC, Courtney McIntosh The Blind Princess and can you draw her in the style of a Disney Princess? https://t.co/YJg01gHKNk
@Cubi_MarkMayhem @Donnelly__Chlo Here's Courtney McIntosh The Blind Princess!
@BlueRose210905 Here's Courtney McIntosh The Blind Princess!
The Offspring (2009) A clan of cannibalistic savages which plague the North-east Coast since 1858, is after an unsuspecting family and their innocent baby girl. Do they have what it takes to survive? Pollyanna McIntosh, Art Hindle, Amy Hargreaves. https://t.co/xTaOqsajnu
@cherry_cro_ @PrincessVertera Here's My OC, Courtney McIntosh The Blind Princess!
@Hydrocit1 Here's My OC, Courtney McIntosh The Blind Princess!
dog character = you must draw them in bluey style so have a macintosh