Brexit, a trojan horse to hide the tory mismanagement and theft of over £2 trillion since 2010 only makes up 1.25% of the money lost

£1T £25B £400B £500B

56 108

🚨COV19 vaccinated cocksucka is doing giveaway🚨
🤖 6 NFTs + 0.6 ETH Giveaway! 6000 Discord members celebration!🤖

Follow these steps to auto-participate:

1⃣ Follow

2⃣ RT + Tag 1 friend

3⃣ Come say Hi on our Disc

114 123


5 - 747’s Will Crash Today!!.

No Big Deal, They Had CoV19 & Would Die Anyway.

Isn’t Fascist Corporate Greed Great?

0 0

Last day for donation gangs. Let's share our fortune with the orphanage children. You can know the details by contacting 👌

"Sometimes, in a small thing we think is -nothing- could means -everything- for them"

0 3

au finish le 2 juin il y aura ds petite surprise pour nos cadets et cadettes.
mofi jaroon

0 1

Just because you're home in quarantine, doesn't mean you're safe from germs! Keep clean! and wash you hands!!!

45 212

always remember WJSN to prevent NCOV19

W - Wash your hands regularly
J - Just stay at home
S - Stan WJSN
N - Now RT this to spread awareness

211 262

Since Ncov19 is getting worst wear your mask , Stay indoors, get hydrated and Clean your body

3 6

Expose and oppose the neoliberal policies that kill and displace the Filipino people in ways more cruel than itself

316 753

Let's pray for the people whole over the world with NCoV19 and for our protection.

0 0