"Dear heart, why do you run from the things that give you pulse...dont fear what makes you feel."
I don't want to keep tagging since it would be bothersome in my pov so imma just post them all together <3

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The gacha set is on sale in New Mahara Shop✨

Welcome to a cute home for livlies made by an older sister who was good at paper cutouts and a younger sister who loved drawing pictures💕

Enjoy living on a lolita-style island with livlies🎀

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The gacha set will be released soon on JST 2/9 (Thu) 12:00🎀

"Do you want to build a house for livlies with me?"

This set is filled with island and fashion items that allow you to relive the memories of two sisters who love lolita style💖

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日本語⤵︎ ︎

私のPersonaとタグをまとめました。そして新しく、「#HandicraftRoom 」を作成しました。こちらのタグではFNFキャラ以外のぬいぐるみやファン作品を投稿するつもりです。これからも私のPersona共々、こんな感じで宜しくです👍

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I have compiled my Persona and tags. And I created a new one, In this tag, I intend to post stuffed animals and fan works other than FNF characters. I hope you will continue to follow along with my Persona like this.👍

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OoOoOOOoOh can I join I've got crochet, mixed media, collage, and a craftroom full of who the hell knows what else + writing.

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its totally not 2 am, and this totally didn't take me 10 hours because it wasn't coming out right hahaha...haha...ha...im tired...

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