one fancy outfit at the time and i did 8 of these,also we have new characters in our party is time to update the design!

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we were having a stressful boss battle and drawing this endgame ship kept me sane

2 16

Time passes but a leopard can't change its spots.
(changing of party member, still the Worst)

original artwork (right) by

11 62

"Torba and Vel are the moral compass of this mess of a party"
"Like those couple that have like then thousands dogs out for their walkies"
"say no more"

so this is the -main- party of as dogs+ Torvelia as their owners.
did for shits and giggles during a dnd session

3 19

torba is not a model i swear the camera just turned up itself

5 18

the warm up of the day,my boy Roan,

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