Between Roman Legions & Parthian Cavalry:
Tigranes the Great

Following the death of Tigran I of Armenia in 95 BC, his son Tigran II, a hostage at Ctesiphon, agreed to cede a number of valleys in southeastern to Persia, in return for his freedom. 1/8


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Remains of Seleucia-on-the-Tigris, Iraq. While most great cities of Mesopotamia were built along the Euphrates, Seleucus I chose the Tigris. By the 1st cent AD, it allegedly had 500K people living in it, & later great cities like Ctesiphon & Baghdad would be built nearby

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For the 2d time in 2020, due to suffering conservation efforts in these years of unending war in Iraq, a portion of the Sassanian era Taq Kasra's arch collapsed, maybe the largest single-span vault of unreinforced brickwork in the world

It is the last major remnant of Ctesiphon

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Excavations in the 1930s recovered fragments of the gleaming mosaics which would have decorated the palace at Ctesiphon when it was built, like this one now in the


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