🎁第4回 ひな鳥譲渡会🎁

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3月23日 21:00

Let's enjoy Fancy Birds!!🐦

32 39

The very hungry caterpillar was and is still one of my idols: eat all the food to become beautiful.
That’s a motto I‘m still living 😅
The author of this book passed away a few days ago. Rest in peace Eric Carle.

8 61

I was looking through Cybirds other games and I’m fucking losing it right now

6 7

Mal emotionale Test-Emotes gemacht.

1 9

Hello everyone!!
Take a look at my new art for masamune cybird sengoku!! 😍💜
I love how it turned out 💕❣️
He's so handsome, isn't he??
If you like it, please RT!! 🙏🙏

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