Aragorn, the Chieftain of the Dúnedain

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everyone's favorite 87 year old AKA, Aragorn son of Arathorn, Estel, Thorongil, Elessar, Telcontar, Envinyatar, Strider, the Dúnadan, Wingfoot, Chieftain of Dúnedain, Heir of Isildur, High King of the Dúnedain, King of Gondor, King o...

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Happy early birthday!! Here’s my dúnedain oc Créa and some ref’s for her :)

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Dúnedain Ranger, colour-practice sketch

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Aragorn II, Chieftain of the Dúnedain

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of Agariel my in Adventures in Middle earth after the fight with Raënar and around 15 years of wandering and adventures.

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The Dúnedain (Aka Rangers) were men of the ancient kingdom of Arnor. They protected Eriador (Bree, Shire, Etc) from the servants of Sauron. Their secretive business made other common folk fearful & uneasy around them. If common folk only knew how many cities & lives they saved.

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this is cute 🥺 me + elf!me + hobbit!me + dúnedain!me

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Aragorn, como muchos otros dúnedain, se crió en Rivendel con el medio-elfo Elrond, descendiente de hombres y elfos.
Todo esto podría explicar el por qué vemos detalles de arquitectura de Gondor en Rivendel y os lo explico mejor en este hilo ⬇️

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Hi twitter🥰this is my tolkien oc Créa of the Dúnedain, Ranger of the North! The lovely art on the left is by the wonderful and her bio is in the next tweet 🌿She makes the rangers self sustainable by setting up major gardens and she loves adventure and flowers :)

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I’ve always been a Tolkien fan first and other stuff second. I’d love to see Adam as a part of Middle-Earth’s world! Previous year I portrayed him as dúnedain as I was not yet sure which character he might play.

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Keeping the watercolor practice with Aragorn, Dúnedain of the North

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I’ve always been a Tolkien fan first and other stuff second. So, of course, I’d love to see Adam as a part of Middle-Earth’s world. Though I’m not sure which character he might play I portrayed him as dúnedain.

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Númenor es la Atlántida del universo de Tolkien. Una isla fascinante en la que ocurre de todo. Intrigas políticas, traiciones, engaños, luchas civiles, sacrificios... Su final es completamente brutal y sería una forma magnífica de presentar a los dúnedain.

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