Forest Guardian Bakugou out on patrol for the 🦌
He heard some suspicious shit and if it's those damn kids again, the culprits are going to get good swift wack from his staff.

115 651

"'re not a goat."
Little Dae fawn Katsuki thought that climbing trees would be a good way to show off. Unfortunately, gangly deer legs are not the best for climbing, even with hands.

523 1835

Just two young bucks messing around being idiots during target practice 🦌#daeau

335 1336

Dae Bakugou and Izuku learning how to work together so they can be awesome Forest Guardians in the future. Spoilers Izu, your magic isn't Plant Stuff

153 571

Baby Dae Baku and Izu were raised in the same village, poor little Fawns are scared of everything at first but they'll figure it out

145 583