Aku (nggak terlalu) coslay jadi maskot HAI DJPb ges, cuman ga ada bando di kepala karena di ga ada akesoris kepala ue ue

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Jadi, pagi tadi aku dan pak suami bikin versi photorealistic dari karya Baltimore summer version nya (kanan) pakai Stable Diffusion. Cuman kok kayak aku versi real-life yang nge-cosplay Baltimore ya? lucu banget uwu.

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Cuaca hari ini emang bawaannya pengen rebahan atau tidur. Tapi jangan lupa bakal debut tanggal 3 bulan depan.

Oh iya undangannya lucu banget kayak pas kampanye caleg pas pemilu wwww

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hello and welcome to dailyayatoluc, an account dedicated to the romantic pairing of ayato and diluc! submissions are welcomed though cc and dms! 💜❤️

my txti: https://t.co/wJglxdTILa
my curiouscat: https://t.co/eeuD88jIRv

7 26

Lagi-lagi males ambil foto baru lagi, jadi aku upload lagi foto-foto yang kemaren (tapi dijadiin satu).

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*Mayu kehabisan ide buat pose ke-sekian kalinya*

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hello! welcome to dailyayatoluc, a quotebot (primarily, images coming soon!) dedicated to and from please read the thread below before you follow! thank you, and i hope you enjoy 💜 🧋 🦉 ❤️

3 25

Hey gurl, I'm the queen of curses [day 41]

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"There are no coincidences in this world, only fate."
[day 40]

13 61

"Alright I'm gonna take a break from drawing ayaka!"
*Proceeds to draw her more*
[day 38]

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