Today’s invites us to use our irritations as an opportunity to observe, learn, and adjust something about ourselves, instead of constantly resisting those around us.

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Your goal would not be to control the monkey mind, or stop the ceaseless thoughts, but more to observe them happening, then return to your breath.

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Today’s encourages us to bring awareness to our self-judgement and self-esteem, reminding us that we are worthy regardless of our income, dress-size or employment/relationship status & that we all deserve self-love 💓

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Hakuna matata : no worries

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Today’s encourages to patiently respond with “Thank you, but not now” each time we feel an intrusive thought or feeling encroaching on our practice.

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There’s a beautiful ‘s wish in today’s 💓

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Today’s encourages us to be realistic about our habits: any time sitting is better than none, and don’t be hard on urself if u miss a day or two 💓

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May you be happy
May you be loved
May you be joyful
May you be at peace
☮️ 💖 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♂️

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In today’s Tamara talks about and how, while it’s important to aspire for growth, it’s also crucial to accept ourselves as we are and offer ourselves self love

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Today’s suggests some useful tools for shielding ourselves from anger

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