- 38! Order your Derg plush today. (Company is not responsible for any super-natural occurrences that begin to manifest after Derg plush has been purchased. There is no probable connection between plush and the supernatural)

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- 37! Decided to do a new attempt at a self-portrait. Feels a bit better than the first one I did at the start of this series

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- 35! I was a baby once. A tiny little gremlin

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- 31! The most important aspect of struggling with a disability is being able to be kind to and love yourself. It’s hard, but it makes a big difference.

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- 29! is something I’ve been glad to learn. When you’re disabled, you start looking at things in terms of if you’re willing to spend some of your limited supply on... you can’t afford to do everything consistently

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- 27! Emotional dysregulation is a very common thing in It makes our emotions so much more intense. So much harder to handle... it attacks us, and wants to consume us... cw: strangling

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- 25! Some days I feel so foreign to everything. Like an enigma, too strange and unknowable to really understand.

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- 23! What’s natural for others, it so foreign for me. Social interactions pull from a deep library of mental notes. “what is the right way to react?”, “is it normal to respond this way?”, “what are they expecting?”

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- 22! Struggling with invisible disabilities has a knack of really making a person feel fragile. Easily broken confidence... the smallest things fracturing...

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- 21! To the bystander, we look like everyone else, we seem “normal”. But in reality, we are different. It’s not bad, but it is difficult.

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- 20! Rejection sensitive dysphoria is something we don’t talk about much, but it doesn’t mean it’s not there. Most say it’s being more sensitive, but it’s more like there are thorns for us where there aren’t for others...

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- 19! can be a regular occurrence when you have completely tired, but the mind just doesn’t stop. Processing, thinking, wondering, and wandering...

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- 18! Hyper focus is so easy to slip into. It’s like everything else stops existing, all you can see is your focus. Time starts to whirl, food becomes forgotten. The world may as well stop existing.

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- 12! One of the aspects of is struggling with executive functioning. It’s not that we are lazy or don’t want to do things... it’s more like trying to start things is like working with chained hands...

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- 9! Taking a small rest after a flight is always a good idea~

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- 7! Sometimes a hug is the best you can do... (featuring my dear friend )

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