It's only but already it feels like I am headed to night

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Your not really baller until you have a swimming pool with a logo of yourself on the bottom

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Oh yeah, work tommorrow - need to stop partying soonish

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When getting lit means howling at the summer moon.

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Like the saying I just made up goes "When life gives you Wednesday, make hard lemonade"

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Sunday funday, still time to get in some play before Monday illustration

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Pretty sure this how Imma do at guitar hero after 80 12 more shots.

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When it's Monday but your still lit from Sunday

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vibes by Shelly Hehenberger for Laura Rubensteins book : Viist Feelings -

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If you like strawberry margaritas and so cal with no rain....even

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A wonderful Illustration by Shelly Hehenberger for the children's book Visit Feelings.

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Kids will never know how awesome they have it right now

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