. . Aujourd'hui le réalisateur et scénariste DavidLean aurait eu 115 ans (décédé en 1991) on lui doit

Lawrence d'Arabie
Docteur Jivago
Le Pont de la Rivière Kwai
La Route des Indes
La Fille de Ryan
Brèves Rencontres
La Route des Indes
Oliver Twist

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The David Lean Cinema Advertisement 8


Croydon Clocktower
Katharine Street

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"Oh, what a love it was, utterly free, unique, like nothing else on earth! Their thoughts were like other people's songs."

in 22 December 1965, Sir classic epic DOCTOR ZHIVAGO, based on the Boris Pasternak novel, premiered in New York.

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International posters for "Lawrence of Arabia" - 1962 by

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happy birthday! - My illustration for "Lawrence of Arabia" - 1962

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