Babylon 5 trending made me remember just how much I love these two

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This would have made so much sense

Can’t believe I never drew this ship

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tw unreality, light body horror, scars
Vorlon Touched

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Just that everybody in the OT3 smooch everybody else meme

Yeah I love Sinclair/Delenn/Lennier, sorry

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“All life is transitory. A dream. We all come together in the same place at the end of time. If I don't see you again here, I will see you in a little while, in the place where no shadows fall.” - Delenn Babylon 5

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Girls Night

Man, I wished we would have seen more of Delenns female friendships

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Delenn and Jeffrey Sinclair just had so much chemistry and such a facinating complex dynamic

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All of my OTP switch - basically putting the people of one OTP in the universe of another

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Old (~4 four years) slightly suggestive drawing I still like and re-colourised because the original color was in a bad resolution and looked off too because back then I colourised with my computer still

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You all know I love how Delenn/Lennier flips gender roles, but they're still both very femme. Needed to know how butch!Delenn would look like.

HC that this is a photoshoot for some magazine interview

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Some Delenn/fem!Neroon because I needed shy, nervous baby sapphic Delenn

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“I’ll cut your throat. That will shut you up!” - “You’re beautiful…”

Delenn/Jeffrey Sinclair is just such a good ship

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Can't really decide between Entrapdak or Delennier. Both major bi energy, both major femdom energy

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I did this one a few years ago. Mira Furlan was fabulous as Delenn.

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My favourite characters from are: the Minbari Delenn (before her transformation), the Centauri Londo Molari and the Narn G‘Kar.

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№3! Ambassador Delenn of Babylon 5 (if there's still anybody who hasnt watched it - please do) This woman is a perfect combination of having no chill whatsoever and calming presence of an old soul, i love her so much...

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