Me boi Denavir is a gentle soul (usually) who barely managed to escape the horrors of his home in the Underdark. Blessed with magic by Eilistraee, he seeks to undo what he can of the tragedy that befell his sister as a result of his own cowardice. He likes tea and dancing.

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Denavir's partner pokemon would be a male meowstic. The defensive/protective nature of the male meowstic mirrors Dena to a T. Plus it matches his color scheme (Denavir's dark blue cloak not pictured)

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Day 25 - Shiny!

When the caravan had arrived on the surface, it was brighter under the navy expanse of the night sky than Denavir had ever witnessed, but the silver glow of the stars and the moon – oh the moon – were only a taste of the light to come.

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Day 18 - Family Resemblance

Once upon a time, Denavir and Arcalyst were dumbshit siblings

[don't tag ship]

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Day 2 - Mindless

Denavir has a very tragic backstory involving being a Matron Mother’s plaything and lots and lots of mind-killing drugs given in the form of poisoned wine.

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We have an Everything is Fine AU where drow live normal, non-murdery, non-evil lives and ’s good gentle boy Denavir is hired as a royal healer in little tiny babby prince Astarin’s home.

It’s a good and sof AU TwT

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It’s a common question but Astarin can’t answer it TwT

Feat. ‘s boie Denavir goodest big bro

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Denavir is a good boy and I love him very much.

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20. (every rose has its) Thorns

Well it’s 3 roses and 2 of them have daggers for thorns =w= Must Protec Boi

feat ’s good boye Denavir, and Destino who belongs to another friend =w=

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I drew some drowbros =w= feat. ‘s good boye good big bro Denavir =w=

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