📽️Box Office en France :

- la contre-perf.
- chope les 700k+.
- pas à 14 millions. 😛
- toujours là ! 🐭

Lien vers le tableau de la semaine :

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📽️Box Office en France :

- résiste.
- Carpet Bombing ? 🤔
- plus dans le Top 10. 😛
- trébuche. 😅

Lien vers le tableau de la semaine :

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📽️Box Office en France :

- un peu poussif.
- inoxydable. 😜
- c'est bizarre... 🤔
- les 700k ! 🐭

Lien vers le tableau de la semaine :

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📽️Box Office en France :

- s'en sort bien !
- reste solide.
- devient moyen+. 😛
- tjrs plus haut ! 🐭

Lien vers le tableau de la semaine :

4 5

The Prince watched his once-feckless friend wilt with his head in his hands. Berkeley stared at the dizzying convolutions worked into the Brussels carpet. “It puts me in mind of that ghastly business at Berkeley concerning Edward II.” (Deposed 1327) https://t.co/wb5rXJJBKd

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Odoacer (c. 433-493)
Was a soldier and statesman of uncertain barbarian background, who deposed the roman Emperor Romulus Augustulus in 476 and became the ruler of the remnants of the Western Empire as King of Italy. His rule is seen as marking the fall of Rome

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in Korea is much simpler, on the other hand you could be deposed for witchcraft:

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Fun fact: When Crim was first introduced in Beyond the Western Deep, he took over the entire comic, deposed Quinlan as a protagonist, and made himself Captain of the Royal Guard for a week.

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San Martino di Tours, vescovo, nato da genitori pagani in Pannonia, quando era ancora catecumeno coprì con il suo mantello Cristo stesso celato nelle sembianze di un povero. Ricevette il battesimo, depose le armi e condusse vita monastica in un monastero da lui fondato a Ligugé.

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The deposed Princess of Wind, Halny nuo Vier, and his pale fleetfox vixen, Ryetoast in the forests of his native Bise

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James II (1685-1688)

The last Catholic king. Continued the House of Stuart’s struggle with Parliament; his belief in absolute power caused trouble. Deposed in the Glorious Revolution, when Parliament invited the Protestant Dutch prince William of Orange to take over.


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Edward II (1307-1327)

Inherited the Scottish war; decisively defeated by Robert the Bruce in 1314. An unpopular reign marked by trouble with barons and not helped by his controversial bond with Piers Gaveston. His wife turned against him and he was eventually deposed.


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So I got a support idea between Waldemar and Constance. Essentially I want her to hate Leopold for abandoning Nuvelle during the Dagda Brigid war, but for Waldemar to reveal that he was the one that pushed for such an action, since Nuvelle supported a deposed emperor,

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In 705 Tang China & Western Turks invaded the Fergana Valley in order to depose the Turgesh aligned Turkic ruler of Fergana & restore Western Turkic power over the valley
Fergana is a relatively large & incredibly fertile region, making it strategically important

1 10

So it's and I though I would share a recent character I made for D&D. Ren is a Soul Knife Rouge who uses their feminine appearance to seduce their targets before he deposes of them... usually by adding them to that big bunny butt of his x3 Avalible in L and XXXL

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On Earth-11491,

The Inhumans are the new benevolent rulers of the Kree Empire, but those loyal to the deposed Supreme Intelligence seceded and formed the Kree Imperium in its honor.

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On Earth-11491,

The Inhumans are now the current rulers of the Kree Empire after Black Bolt and the Royals assumed command following the Annihilation War and the Supreme Intelligence was deposed. As of today, the Kree Empire are now allies to Earth and its heroes.

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75th anniversary of Myanmar Martyrs Day

Myanmar on 19 July 2022 commemorates the 75th anniversary of Martyrs Day which marks the assassination of independence heroes, including deposed leader AungSanSuuKyi's father Burmese politician and revolutionary General Aung San. EPA-EFE

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