Fe3h doodles

Finals have been kicking my ass as of late so please accept these doodles as form of payment 💖

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OC Challenge Day 7: With your favorite video game character. I am such a sucker for Dimitri from FE3H!! Both Dimitris are great, but time skip Dimitri is 👌 Anyone else play FE? 👀

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Dimitri's royal portrait, because I got whacked on the head by Sabaton's "Lion From The North" and haven't recovered since.

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I used to play an otometone game called and it’s been a H o o o o t minute since I drew any of the characters. So here’s Byron! He kinda looks like Dimitri Blaiddyd 🤔

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Merry Christmas from lil’ Dimitri! This took me way too long but he deserves it, second best boy behind Caspar of course

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