interpreted Therizinosaur as a plantigrade dinosaur first in Dinosaur Facts and Figures: The Theropods and Other Dinosauriformes. I don't sure if this interpretation is right but I don't think is impossible.

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Lewisuchus admixtus is an early dinosauriform from the lower Upper Triassic of Argentina. Recent discovery of 2 partial articulated skeletons provide significant novel information:

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First ornithischians or non-dinosaurian dinosauriforms? Silesaurus (top) and Lewisuchus (bottom)

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Silesaurus was a rather strange reptile of uncertain taxonomic affinities. Was it a Dinosauriform as is traditionally, or was it an Ornithischian as of a new study? Probably the latter, but hopefully future research reveals more on this strange Triassic creature!

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Silesaurus opolensis (Silesia lizard) a genus of silesaurid dinosauriform from the Late Triassic (Carnian Age 230-227 MYA). From Poland (Drawno Beds Formation). Named by Jerzy Dzik in 2003 and was about 2.3 meters (7.5 feet) long.

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Could dinosaurs experience joy? It's something we'll never know, but I'd like to think they did. For we have Silesaurus, a genus of silesaurid dinosauriform from the Late Triassic, approximately 230 million years ago.

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The Late Triassic dinosauriform for here in its sandstone and bone-mush "original" form, and alongside its WIP multi-color digital version

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Marasuchus lilloensis was a small dinosauriform of Late Triassic Argentina (Chañares Formation) not a dinosaur. The hypothetical crest I used in this reconstruction is meant to be made of some sort of quill-like structures homologous to dinosaur filaments

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Also for here is Asilisaurus kongwe, a silesaurid dinosauriform from the Mnda Beds, Triassic, Tanzania

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Today's The dinosauriform, Silesaurus, and archosauriforms, Vancleavea and Archosaurus

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